Thursday, February 17, 2011

Clomid all in my body

Well, finished my day 9 dose of clomid yesterday morning...went in for my day 10 lab work (fsh) this morning...and STILL waiting on my follow-up appointment to be scheduled with my OB.  A friend of mine suggested that I make an appointment with an RE NOW, instead of waiting to see if this clomid cycle failed.  I feel a little weird about doin that--i mean, for one, I feel like I should follow-up with the doctor who gave me the rx...and then I feel like I should see what other testing she plans to do for me.  Plus, I don't know if I'm mentally ready for that step yet...until I know if this clomid worke or not.  Plus, I don't know what insurance will cover, I don't know if I need a many questions...

My major side effect from the clomid was dizziness...just for seconds at a time, then gone.  Enough to annoy me.  Not enough to keep me from functioning. 


...waiting game for now I guess.....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

AF is finally here!!!

OK, so I finally got AF last night...yay!  So now I get to start taking Clomid on Saturday for this Clomid Challenge...

Alright, let's be real. I'm TERRIFIED!!!  I'm so scared in so many ways.  For starters, at the lowest level of scaredness...I'm afraid of the side effects...I have to work Saturday night...what if I'm dizzy or vomiting or something worse?  ugh...

THEN, I'm terrified that it's not going to work.  I just learned that I can only do this drug 6 my LIFETIME.  I thought it was 6 times and then you had to take a break...but apparantly, it's forever.  So I think if this round doesn't do it, I'm going to go see an RE.  Don't need to waste time or medication right...?

ALSO, I'm sort of terrified of it working.  For many reasons.  For one, I've wanted to be pregnant for so long, I don't knwo what to do when it really happens!  And then what if it'stwins...?  UGH.  OK...things will be alright...going to the lab tomorrow for my first bloodwork!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So I can't believe it's already much happened in January.  Including the birth of my nephew, who I adore (thank goodness!  Seriously...I was worried I'd resent him a little...)  But really, I adore him.  And I love spending time with him and my just gets hard when my mom's around and talks constatnly how she loves being a grandma--that part still stings me.

I also had my follow-up appointment with my ob/gyn in January.  While I was expecting to get a referral to an RE, I actually got an RX straight from her for Clomid, which I will be starting hopefully any day now...just waiting for AF to come...never wanted it so bad.  This will be the first time I won't be depressed whn it gets here--because this is the first time I can actively do something about keeping it away for the next 9 months.  :)

Along with the rx I got some more lab work orders for when I start as well...but the other labs from my first visit were all a-ok.

Well, that's all.  My life right now consists of waiting for AF--I'm on CD 34 so can be any day now, within the next 10 days I'm hoping.  Feeling a little crampy so mabe it's coming sooner than later...